Keep Dancin On These Haters

Keep Dancin On These Haters
7/3/2010--Take advantage of this great personal energy, no matter where you happen to be or whom you're with when at all begins to shine. You can get busy doing exactly what you want to do -- even if you only take one baby step today, it's a start, and you're at least on the right track -- which is more than many of us can say. Let your instincts guide you. Be ambitious and assertive. Nobody is looking out for you and your well being like you need to be doing. Friends and family can help, but even with an indomitable and illimitable social network, nobody can help you climb your ladder because they're too busy climbing theirs. Be lively and put yourself out there. Success is yours today! If anyone knows that nothing ever happens until all conditions are right, you do -- so when someone close calls to vent because things aren't progressing as they want, try to get that point across. You could also remind them that they're not alone and that other peoples' agendas can interfere with their own. If this is the hundredth time you've had to say this, just tell them to grow up!
Créé par: aliceiris711

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aliceiris711 dit:

Il y a 5075 jours
An interesting NPR article below. For the TIs who subscribe to prayer and meditation to cope with the targeting then this article should be interesting. Probably old news by now.

From another TI; woman 

aliceiris711 dit:

Il y a 5075 jours
I know my channel on Youtube says "Electronic Harrassment Everyday" but, I wanted to post this anyway; I have been assaulted today in the head many times. 

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