ShadowXMylene: Love you to the end

ShadowXMylene: Love you to the end
If you've seen Bakugan you may think this couple is weird, I mean, crazy loud Shadow and bossy Mylene. well I always found them adorable! So this episode literally made me cry, (if you haven't seen Bakugan, i'll clear things up) After losing a battle Mylene (Mylene and Shadow are evil) got angry and opened a dimensional portal that was supposed to "catch and kill" the opponent. Well when it opened, the opponents (good guys) found a way out, they offered Mylene and Shadow to go back with them, but Mylene, because of her pride refused, hanging on as hard as she could. Shadow was ready to leave with them but as Mylene was getting sucked into the portal, Shadow grabbed her hand and held on. The "Good Brawlers" ran out of time and were brought back. As Shadow and Mylene were sucked in, Shadow refused to let go, Mylene getting angry and saying, "You know that was a dumb thing to do!" and Shadow calmly answering, "Well, I thought it would be better to be brought to the end of the dimension with my best friend." Mylene blushes as they hold hands and disappear into the bright portal.(This picture) Notes: Shadow and Mylene have always sort of liked each other... you may not agree, but i've realized throughout the series Mylene has been picking only on Shadow, and Shadow always teaming up and talking to Mylene. 2. Did anyone else who has seen Bakugan get emotional about this picture? My mom and sister didn't care but I thought it was adorable!! :'(
создатель: newpetz

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Для создания этой картины "i love you to the moon and back" было использовано 5 рисунков.
Love you
my love
SERCE Valentine LOVE



ingram00 пишет:

4367 дней назад

katadamant пишет:

4369 дней назад
so sad! ie spoiler but it was really "catch and kill"? however it is romantic! but sad ... Ok this is weird, I'm crying. ha! newpetz is true, is not that well is your style, but if you like anime comic and sad, you aconsselho Angel Beats (cried 7)

milli2500 пишет:

4417 дней назад
sooo cool!

Alesisidikono... пишет:

4422 дня назад
Ahahahahahahaha Shadow is SUPER CRAZYYYY!!! xDDDDDDDDDDDDDD

Fabolous Blingee 5*****
PS: We miss the series "New Vestroia"(New Vestronia in italian)

EngelKagome1 пишет:

4423 дня назад
plese vote for me

dejiko_nyo_08 пишет:

4423 дня назад

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