I wonder what its like to be you (FALL OUT BOY)

I wonder what its like to be you (FALL OUT BOY)

We all love fall out boy know every song all the words and love every thing about them

  • Fondateur: Princess1423
  • Nombre de membres: 11
  • Nombre de Blingees: 10
Rejoins ce groupe!

FOB FANS... 1. Real FOB fans know more songs than "This Aint A Scene, Its An Arms Race". 
2. Real FOB fans know that Patrick was once a drummer.
 3. Real FOB fans shout "Yes!" when one of their songs come on. 4. Real FOB fans punch anyone for dissing Pete Wentz. 
5. Real FOB fans know that FOB started out with 5 members, not including Andy! 
6. Real FOB fans have this on their page 
7.Real FOB fans think patrick stump is cute 
8.Real fob fans know every single song 
9. Real FOB fans go crazy and punch anyone saying Pete wentz and Patrick stump are gay..

♥♥-***JOE TROHMAN***-♥♥
♥♥-***ANDREW HURLEY***-♥♥


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