Baby Flappy's Chicken Blingees


Baby Flappy's Chicken Blingees (BFCB) Is an awesome group if U luv chickens! It's Baby Flappy's because I have a little rooster that is growing up and he is a son of our daddy rooster, Flappy. Ill have a Blingee of Baby Flappy soon!

  • Fondateur: Wello9
  • Nombre de membres: 1
  • Nombre de Blingees: 1
Rejoins ce groupe!
Hi! If U like chickens, I hope u come to my group! Make awesome chicken blingees, and talk to me about chickens on Allykatzz! (See my profile info for more) Have any chickens? I want to know! I have 14 chickens, 7 1/2 of them are Salmon Falvellours, and the rest are Americaunas. Ill tell U their names later. And also, can u set a icon for the group? I dont know how! 

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