Erin Hunter

Erin Hunter

From Warriors to Seekers to the Survivors book series. The Erin Hunter group has always found a way to capture the imagination. Make Blingees that honor the hard work and dedication to children's literature and place them here, Enjoy.

  • Fondateur: ice_claw_14
  • Nombre de membres: 15
  • Nombre de Blingees: 24
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Erin Hunter

Erin Hunter is a collective pseudonym used by the authors Kate Cary, Cherith Baldry, Gillian Philip, Inbali Iserles, and Tui Sutherland, along with editor Victoria Holmes, in the writing of the Warriors, Seekers and Survivors book series. Each of the authors play a different role: while Holmes creates the storyline of each book, Cary, Baldry, and Sutherland take turns writing the books. Sutherland joined In addition, another person who is not an Erin Hunter writes the manga: Dan Jolley. The newest addition to the group is Inbali Iserles, who writes Survivors under the pseudonym as well.


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