I'm KindaSmiley!

I'm a DIE-HARD Jonas Brothers Fan! I love Miley Cyrus! Miley and Ashley Tisdale together is better! My 2 rolemadels are BESSTTIESS! Demi Lovato and Selena Gomez! I think serving Pickles at a movie theater is a great idea! Why do they just do it in Texas? My Addictions are the Jonas Brothers! YOU TUBE! and MY BESSTTIESS! If anyone messes with my BFFAATEs THEY'RE GOIN' DOWN! Gotta Problem wit dat? No! Just kidding! But if you mess with them. We're gonna have a talk about me telling on you. I'm not a goody two shoes. I'm just a goody two finger up in the shape of a V to make a PEACE SIGN! 

(:WARNING:) I can go to Emo-Mazing in a second. But I'm usually always mostly the hyper bubbly adorable 10 year old I'm known to be. Hyper on SUGAR is one of my favs.!!!


  • Nombre de fois mis en vedette: 0
  • Badges: 1
  • Blingees Palme d'or: 0
  • Blingees Palme d'argent: 0
  • Contributions de Stamps: 0
  • Cartes postales: 0

Mes candidats pour les compétitions

My Black Rose
Miley Glimmers
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Hayzeroxs4eva dit:

Il y a 5857 jours
hi  cool site
plz visit mi site!!!!!!

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