Autism Rocks? Does it really? *Struggles of being on the spectrum*

Autism Rocks? Does it really? *Struggles of being on the spectrum*
People say that autism is a gift. I don't think it is. It feels like the whole world is running on apple devices whilst you're a samsung. You're not only not compatible with most other people out there, you're also less likely to have a normal life because of the "branding". Being branded autistic isn't the worst thing because I have help for it but there just isn't many non-professionals out there who want to help. Some "professionals" even seek to cure this like autism is the worst thing in the world. Truth is, it isn't a bad thing but people need to stop putting it on a pedestal too like "Albert Einstein was autistic so you are intelligent right?" Yes, usually people on the spectrum CAN be intelligent and sometimes in the less conventional way but we are NOT just big brainiacs either. We need more help than other people. Social cues are more often than not, missed or misinterpreted. I want EVERYONE to know that autism exists, that I have it but to deal with it in different ways as everyone experiences their autism differently from someone else. Me personally, an over emotional, over-hyper, over-sensitive, over-sympathetic being. I can't help that, that is part of who I am but that may not fit the criteria for someone else on the spectrum. My goal in this life is to educate people about autism using parts of my life as anecdotes. I want to educate people so life's not so tough for those who really need help but have been dubbed as "looking normal". I want to advocate. I know it comes off as annoying, that is mostly why I do not really use the blingee for anything but making pictures. Blingee is my safe space. I need to keep it that way for my own mental health. If you have read through this, thanks and I hope it can open your eyes to the struggles of one autistic being. HannahJuly. xoxo.
Créé par: HannahJuly

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Stamps Blingee utilisés

7 graphiques ont été utilisés pour créer cette image "image of jesus on the cross".
Light Blue Glitter Background  ;-}
Thin White Frame
NO sign graphics
Autism rocks
Simple Dark Blue Pattern
Simple Black Pattern
HANNAHJULY Name Tag/Stamp 3



Rose_Madder dit:

Il y a 1286 jours
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_С█▓ __ █▓Ɔ_ α gяεαт ωσяк αη∂ 5⭐️   

Chris.Surv. dit:

Il y a 1287 jours
all Star for you *******

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