Making blingees: a safe method.

Making blingees: a safe method.
Hello! I just found a safe method for making blingees, so I want to share it with you. After all, sorry for the bad english, I will try to explain at the best of my ability (and with google translate. Below I'll say it also in italian so you can try to translate that). So, how you can use flash player on google without any risk? I just remembered that I have a side operating system installed on my computer, named "Linux Mint", with a 2016 and the last version of google for Linux in it. (My computer is in 32 bit, btw, idk if it works with 64 bit) I just tried to open the blingee maker and it worked! Why is it safe? Because Linux, Ubuntu et similar families are operating systems that can't be infected by viruses, which makes them really safe! You can find some tutorials on how to install them as a side system (and still can use windows) on youtube. ||Ita: ciao! Oggi sono qui per parlarvi di un metodo completamente sicuro per creare un blingee, ovvero con Linux Mint. Mi sono ricordata di averlo installato come sistema operativo a parte, quindi ho deciso di provare ad aprire il blingee maker e con mia grande sorpresa ha funzionato alla perfezione. Il motore di ricerca che ho usato è google chrome 32 bit per Linux, in una versione del 2016 ed ultima rilasciata per questo sistema operativo. Ora non ricordo bene, ma probabilmente non c'è nemmeno bisogno di flash per farlo partire (motivo per il quale funziona). Nell'usare questo modo non c'è alcun rischio perché su Linux, Ubuntu e simili non si possono prendere virus. Se avete domande chiedete pure!

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Stamps Blingee utilisés

13 graphiques ont été utilisés pour créer cette image "have a safe trip".
backgound black glitter
Background (valee1215)
Red/Black Emo Background
Background F-S
moon -k♥-
Deco Transparent (valee1215)
Yusei [❤Strawberry❤]
Veni ad Astra, semper dissolubilis.
Background glitter deco brown
Background glitter deco brown gold IRENA



P1949 dit:

Il y a 1186 jours


Il y a 1208 jours
Im at Picmix now...
Randy Lee Eyvex
❤️ ❤️ ❤️  ❤️ ❤️

❄Rei-II❄ dit:

Il y a 1209 jours
my brother had told me about this type of operating systems like ubuntu.
but it had not occurred to me that this could work very well for this case.
It's a very smart solution, I'll see if I can try it (I hope, because my pc is 64 bit,not 32 bit)

Birgit3 dit:

Il y a 1209 jours
so beautiful this blingee! 5***** for you!

Teodoruka dit:

Il y a 1209 jours
Thank you so much for sharing this.
I will not try it because I'm not the perfect person suitable for working into the computer's system, so I'd rather not try because I'm afraid I might damage something. But thank you a lot for sharing!

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