Can you cheat on the competitions ?

Can you cheat on the competitions ?
Cette image "blood on the dance floor" a été créée en utilisant l’éditeur de photos Blingee gratuit. Compose de superbes éléments d’art digital sur tes thèmes favoris: célébrités, anime, emo, goth, fantasme, vintage et bien plus!
Créé par: blinker1968

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Stamps Blingee utilisés

4 graphiques ont été utilisés pour créer cette image "blood on the dance floor".
Background flowers white orange +++ blinker1968
music background notes violin brown +++ blinker1968
BLACK - turquoise - animated background / SCRAPWORLD
music background treble clefts white +++ blinker1968



michele04487 dit:

Il y a 5429 jours

nandoredkoper... dit:

Il y a 5429 jours
ja,ja,ja, jullie lijken wel een systeem ontwikkeld te hebben om elkaar te waarschuwen wanneer je weer dubbel kan stemmen dus hou je niet van de domme jullie zitten stomweg op elkaars blingees te stemmen, is dat nou zo leuk?  Neeeeeee. Niet eerlijk ..

riskja1 dit:

Il y a 5432 jours
ik weet niet hoe ik in zo`n competitie moet komen

kenmarilyn1 dit:

Il y a 5436 jours
Hi!  I don't know how anyone could cheat in competitons.  Below here are some good ideas on what could have happend.  Thank you for the link friend, this is very interestaing.  Have a great day.   Marilyn

mzselinakyle dit:

Il y a 5436 jours
The only way to cheat is if they steal someone elses Blingee and enter it just so they can get points/stars or awards and thats silly. What is the use of winning if its not yours? Whats the point? I had my blingee stolen once and I saw it but didnt report it, there was no one to tell. But now theres a group for it that Im in. They make a blacklist of users that steal other peoples blingees. If you want a bling for a Comment do it but dont Steal it to upload & say its Yours.

ayse070574 dit:

Il y a 5436 jours
i dont think people can cheat on competitions 

sharifa115 dit:

Il y a 5436 jours
hello blinker1968,i just saw this link and got interested about it! forgive me for tresspassing lol,just wanna say something here!,i read all the commments,i think jenniferswe's explanation is the best!,,there's no way you can cheat to win in the competition!,we are old enough to choose who we want to win,im sure the people here are intelligent enough to vote!if they love ur bling,sure that will win!,,so to all blingster,,respect the outcome of the competition,respect the people's vote.

AviaSunanda dit:

Il y a 5437 jours
HUMMM??Cheat on Competitions?I didn`t knew that it`s possible?
How do they cheat?
I have winnerbadges toOO,BUT NEVER CHEAT!!*LOL*
Sooo i don`t know what to think about this?
Can somebody explain?
Have agreat sunday
Happy greetz Avia Sunanda^^

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