2ne1 group

2ne1 group

This is all for the 2NE1 fans, like me. pls join.

  • Fondateur: twinkeeze
  • Nombre de membres: 105
  • Nombre de Blingees: 299
Rejoins ce groupe!


The group was first mentioned by the press in late 2008, when rumours were spreading that YG was creating a female version of Big Bang named Sista. In response to those rumours, YG Entertainment President Yang Hyun Suk stated that the name was not chosen yet.[3] In January 2009, it was announced that the "Female Big Bang" would debut around July 2009 with three members — CL, Minzy, and Bom.[4] Later that month, YG stated that Sandara Park joined the group, with one more member to follow.[5] In the end, YG Entertainment announced that the group would consist of four members and debut sometime in May 2009.[6] The company stated that the group had trained for 4 years, and that their debut album would contain songs produced by Teddy Park.[4][5][6] The group's name was initially announced as "21"; however, due to the discovery of a singer with the same name, the group was quickly renamed "2NE1",[7] which stands for “New Evolution of the 21st Century” (“NE” meaning “New Evolution” and “21” standing for the “21st Century”).[citation needed]

2NE1's Park Bom revealed that the group was originally planned by YG Entertainment to be a 3-member group with herself, Koo Hye Sun, and Sandara Park.


► P l a y. ▌▌ P a u s e. ■ S t o p. ♥ L o v e 
║███║  I LoVe MuSiC.
║ (O) ║ Fire - 2ne1
╚═══╝ Best Song...one Of My Fav.!! Listen...
▄ █ ▄ █ ▄ █ ▄ █ ▄ █ ▄ █ ▄ ▄ █ ▄ █ ▄ █ ▄ ▄ █ ▄ █ ▄ █ ▄

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Forum du groupe

What's your favorite 2ne1 song?
mis à jour par: ladycandy97, il y a Il y a 3516 jours
messages: 8
Who is your favorite 2ne1 singer ?
mis à jour par: himenime, il y a Il y a 3933 jours
messages: 2