Come on, don't be shy...Come have a giggle with me.

                    "NO ONE!" UNDER THE AGE OF 18 PLEASE!
                                  ----->>> WARNING! <<<----- 

     Hi! I'm Giggle-bug, but you can just call me "Giggles". I love a good joke, the best ones are... The ones that are funny. lol! I really like to giggle, and see others giggle too... It's best when you giggle together.
     I'm funny, nutty, sometimes even nasty, but I try to be classy. (o.k. I'll calm down for just a sec) I'm like a little kid, in a big body... And I do mean big. lol! I love all animals, I'll dance to just about anything, I try to sing when I can, and anything fun!!
     I wouldn't mind making some Blingee friends, that just means more giggles for everyone. If you think you can handle me being crazy, then we could be great friends. Thanks! (*.*)
     Let me also let you know, I'm new to What a great site, I just started... And I'm already hooked. lol!
   O.k. I have learned, NOT everyone likes a joker. So I'll try to throw some (what others call CUTE! blings) in the mix... For the ones, that can't take a joke or two.
   This sucks! I'm having a hard time finding people over 18, that likes Blingee jokes. So if you, or someone you know likes crazy blings...Could you send them my way. Cool, and Thanks! (*.*)

__lllll_____oooooo__lllll______!!!!        If you like
__lllll_____oo__oo__lllll______!!!!         to laugh
__lllll_____oo__oo__lllll______!!!!       put this on 
__lllll_____oooooo__lllll________        your page!
__llllllllllllll__oooooo__llllllllllllll__!!!!            LOL!

          |    |
       |    |
        |   |   |    
      |   |    |
         (o)           SHIT HAPPENS! 
       (ooo)            AND WHEN
     (ooo(oo)        IT DOES, IT
  (ooo)ooooo)        SMELLS
     (oooooo)       REALLY BAD!




  • Nombre de fois mis en vedette: 0
  • Badges: 31
  • Blingees Palme d'or: 1
  • Blingees Palme d'argent: 15
  • Contributions de Stamps: 8
  • Cartes postales: 0

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ilsabailey dit:

Il y a 4852 jours
Hello Friend, I'm not sure how much time I'll have in the next few months and this year I valued to make each and everyone one of my friends a blingee just for them before the end of the year. I'll need your help in doing so...Please respond to this blingee so that I can succeed in my mission to let everyone know they are special to me. ;] Thank You For Being You. If you do not respond I'll just get the hint you don't want to be bothered. BLESSINGS TO ALL ~Hugs ilsa 

ilsabailey dit:

Il y a 4882 jours
We don't comment much but I still wanted to make sure all my friends are wished a 

ilsabailey dit:

Il y a 4946 jours
Oct 18
I have started a Breast Cancer Awareness Challenge Pleas come join. No need to make new works old ones aloud. Let's just spread the word. This will run for 4 days and everyone will be able to vote for 4 days. Let's spread the awareness.  

ilsabailey dit:

Il y a 5111 jours
Good Morning Giggles, It's Ilsa Pray all is well. If you have another profile where you do blingees of your family I know a group for you. I just want to invite you to join a new group No pressure just add your family blingees as they come. Go through and dig the old ones out and join us why don't ya. Have a blessed one. Thanks 

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