i love GUSTAV!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AND LOOKING FOR STAMPS LOL LOL

ponies !!!!!!!
i love horses and ponies!!!!!
i am 14 and go to canobolas high in orange (just like blaze-the-cat) lol 
and have become a current victim of OTHD ( obsesive tokio hotel disorder) lol thanks to blaze-the-cat lol 

yay for tokio hotel !!!!!!! 
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1. Real TH fans know more songs than Monsoon . 
2. Real TH fans know Bill Kaulitz's brother's name. 
3. Real TH fans will actually know that Bill and Tom are twins. 
4. Real TH fans shout 'YES!' when one of their songs come on. 
5. Real TH fans will punch anyone for dissing Bill's hair, feminine features, or Tom's dreadlocks. 
6. Real TH fans love the songs in German and in English. 
7. Real TH fans think that they are totally hot. 
8. Real TH fans think that Devilish was awesome too. 
9. Real TH fans don't love only Ready, set, go! and Scream. 
10. Real TH fans don't like TH only for their looks. 
11. Real TH fans know how to pronounce every guys name. 
12. Real TH fans can sing all the songs in German, even thought they might not know the language. 
13. Real TH fans dont like only Bill. 
14. Real TH fans never forget Tom, Georg or Gustav. 
15. Real TH fans have this on their profile.


*Are not cry babies
*Do not always wear black
*Can be very nice people
*Don't always cut themselves
*Are not always depressed
*Can be happy too
*Are normal people just like you
(Put this on your profile if you agree with this.) 
emo doesn't mean you cut.
emo doesn't mean your gay.
emo doesn't mean your suicidal.
emo is real.
emo is people.
emo is everything.
emo is a label.
emo is being free.
free to be you.
free to express.
emo is just a word :)

i got this of blaze-the-cat's profile lol 
and yes i am slowly becoming a rather large fan of TH!! lol 


  • Nombre de fois mis en vedette: 0
  • Badges: 7
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  • Blingees Palme d'argent: 2
  • Contributions de Stamps: 0
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cowboy's prayer
baby ponie
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AngieBMaj dit:

Il y a 5019 days
ah intresting^^ lol

blaze-the-cat dit:

Il y a 5019 days
incase you're on in the near future, just to tell you, you left one of your big hair clips in my room XD it's in my bag now lol

AngieBMaj dit:

Il y a 5020 days
thanx for request and welcome

blaze-the-cat dit:

Il y a 5056 days
oh btw i remember what i was ment to tell ya at the end of recess ^^; i have another few new Gusti wallpapers for you if you want 'em lol :3

blaze-the-cat dit:

Il y a 5056 days
lol i agree with the statement on the emo blingee but on the Bill one hmmm no LOL XP Gustav will bcome a blingee again soon... maybe lol

blaze-the-cat dit:

Il y a 5061 days
megan & i have added the 'yelling at the top of our lungs to you' to our memorabilia XD we can't get over it lol X3

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