what it do

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❄A Year To Let It Go..
Not everything is as it seems by asterioswaifu
I decide what to do, so shut your flap ...
Y.A.M._Tomorrow will be what it should be, and there will be nothing that should not be-do not fuss. Bee Dorsey Orly
For Diamonds Do Appear To Be, Like Broken Glass To Me.
You learn to take life as it comes at you... to make each day count.
been angered by what I do, but let it not affect me ...
Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?
So I Think I love You So What I am So Afraid Of
" If you could see me, Whoever I am, It's not like the movies, it's not all skin & bones . " ☻
It's not glittery, not even remotely attractive. Neither is ABUSE. help. please.
Day Four: You Is Mine No Matter What

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 * die hungrigen Wölfe *

Créé par: loveblink...

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