V Read down there V

all aboard! :D
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♥My Blingees♥

♪If your judging blingees in competitions vote for mine
♪Rate my blingees 5's cuz there Supaa!
♪Leave awesome comments


My FAV. Song is Fireflies by Owl Cities!! Look it up:)

♥♥♥♥ "We like flirting during our signing sessions or at concerts, so yeah maybe we could fall in love with a fan." ♥♥♥♥

my name is in the middle of the heart

awesome lol :D


♪ █■▄■█  █ ♫ █  ♪ █▀▀  █   █▀▀♫  
♫█  █  █ ██▄▄█ ▄▄█  ♫ █   █▄▄♪

- is everything -


----------------"Girls" -----------------
-----------are like apples---------------
-------on trees. The best ones-----------
-----are at the top of the tree.---------
---The boys don't want to reach----------
--for the good ones because they---------
-are afraid of falling and getting hurt.-
-Instead, they get the rotten apples-----
from the ground that aren't as good,-----
but easy. So the apples up top think-----
something wrong with them when in--------
-reality they're amazing. They just------
---have to wait for the right boy to-----
---- come along, the one who's-----------
----------- brave enough to--------------
---------------climb all-----------------
---------------the way-------------------
--------------to the top-----------------
-------------of the tree.----------------

║║★╦╦╦═╗ Live. ☻☺ 

╔★╔═╦╗   Laugh. Lolz

║║★═╦╦╦═╗ Love. <3


_"""______""$$$$$$$$$$$uu_""$"""_ __________ 



     |____|Put This on
     |____|your page if you
     |___0|ever pushed a
     |____|door that said pull
[ i think we've all done that ]

        Now Playing
   ♫ FireFlies - Owl City♫
     ▄ █ ▄ █ ▄ █ ▄   
Min- - - - - - - - - - -●Max        
    ► Play ▌▌ Pause ■ stop   

I have a group!:D It's the Bestest Blingee here's the 
Come and join! ^.^



  • Keren in het middelpunt van de belangstelling: 0
  • Badges: 23
  • Gouden Blingees: 0
  • Zilveren Blingees: 8
  • Stempelbijdragen: 28
  • Postcards: 0

Mijn competitie inzendingen

Bunny Pajamas anime girl
loverr boii
Meer bekijken



Ashelia92 zegt:

5315 dagen geleden
What is it annoying? How can you attend multiple classes? 
Or I know what wrong? And yes, I speak German. This is probably because I live in Germany. 
I still hope that you can understand me somehow. 
Even if my English is not very good. 
What are you doing and how are you? 

Ashelia92 zegt:

5318 dagen geleden
ahhh i see :D
sorry that i don't write to you earlier but he shool was killed me (sorry for wrong spelling) 
i have to do soooo much for shool etc -.-
what do you do and what class do you visit? ^^

Ashelia92 zegt:

5333 dagen geleden
hello ^^
what kind of group song do you mean? ^^
sorry but i don't understand you very well :D
how are you and what do you do? ^^

sternalbenita01 zegt:

5334 dagen geleden
you silly

samanta2424 zegt:

5335 dagen geleden
thanks for the comments

queengabgab zegt:

5344 dagen geleden
who did lol i didnt y would i ur real nic3 omg

queengabgab zegt:

5349 dagen geleden
um hi rember me well ya cool stuff

mzcari zegt:

5364 dagen geleden
nun really and u

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