I hate boys....

Hey! Hey! Hey!

I was sitting at home
watching tv all alone
So excited for re-runs
I've memorized this show

So i pick up the phone
And call everyone I know
Said theres ganna be a party
Hit the music here we go.

were ganna live to party
gatta bust your move
everyones in the groove.
tell the dj to play my song
are you ready to rock n' roll?

hey! hey! hey!

we were out on the floor
and we danced the night away
and she looked at her watch and 
said that it was late
and she pulled me aside 
and said she couldnt stay
(i really gotta go!)
but i begged her for one more song
let the music play!

were ganna live to party
gatta bust your move
everyones in the groove.
tell the dj to play my song
are you ready to rock n' roll?

hey! hey! hey!

i drove her home
and she whispered in my ear
party doesnt have to end.
we can dance here.

live to party
gatta bust your move
everyones in the groove.
tell the dj to play our song
are you ready to rock n' roll?

were ganna live to party
gatta bust your move
everyones in the groove.
tell the dj to play my song
are you ready to rock n' roll?

live to party
gatta bust your move
everyones in the groove.
tell the dj to play my song
are you ready to rock n' roll?

ganna live to party
gatta bust your move
everyones in the groove.
tell the dj to play my song
are you ready to rock n' roll?

Dados estatísticos

  • Vezes em destaque: 0
  • Distintivos: 4
  • Blingees de ouro: 0
  • Blingees de prata: 2
  • Contribuições de carimbos: 43
  • Cartões postais: 0

Meus itens em competições

Bunch of Miley's
Miley Cyrus in NYC!!
Exibir mais



wildoak disse:

5194 dias atrás
well what do u want me 2 say wuz up! SORRY! It's just that they got rid of my internet and well i been focused in my school!

awesomeItzelle disse:

5226 dias atrás
oh haha ok
hey long time 
since we've talked
how ya been???

awesomeItzelle disse:

5227 dias atrás
y am i a freak???

awesomeItzelle disse:

5241 dias atrás

wildoak disse:

5293 dias atrás
Hi! it's been a long time since we've tlk how r u doing?

cutiepielove626 disse:

5369 dias atrás
and yas we are friends

cutiepielove626 disse:

5371 dias atrás
im sooooo sorry that was a long time ago

musiclover13579 disse:

5390 dias atrás
If you, like me, Love the Jonas Brothers and get anoyed when people say they are horrible comment on this blingee saying why you love the Jonas Brothers!!: http://blingee.com/blingee/view/97054164-Stop-Jonas-Hate-

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