
"Amelia Earhart" Gold Blingee "Amelia Earhart" Week (week of 2013/07/22) 中に作成されたBlingeeは{num_votes} 票獲得後、平均4コ☆星を獲得できます


"There isn't anyone that means more to me than you do"
Ted The Movie!!
Kimi Ni Todoke
"There isn't anyone that means more to me than you do"
"This isn't a dream"
One Direction Best Song Ever!!
"You mean the whole world to me"
"There isn't anyone that means more to me than you do"
"There isn't anyone that means more to me than you do"

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1人のお友達が Blingee.comへ招待されました。 1人のお友達が Blingee.comへ招待されました。


”いいね!” 達成 ”いいね!” 達成

7コ以上の "”いいね!” "を獲得

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