CaTColor's Badge

Best Winter Blingee Competition Top 25 Rank in the Top 25 in a Best Winter Blingee Competition

Blingees that won this badge

Bel Ange/ Winter white and black (3) 15ème Ch. P.O
2 "Poilus" sous la Neige !♥! 18ème Hiver
Winter au choix (4) / Ch. P.O
The Wolves !♥! Winter
The Wolves - Winter white and black (N°4) / 3ème Ch. P.O ~ 16ème Hiver
Winter animals colors - Tigron de Sibérie/9.Ch.P.O
The wolves of Catcolor !♥!9èHiver
Winter animals colors hihi/10.Ch.P.O
> Les Oiseaux/ Vögel ~ Ch. Blauefee1976

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